How Testing and Tagging can Save Your Business Money in Australia 2022

 Regularly getting your workplace appliances tested and tagged is a valuable safety precaution, but did you know that it can also save your business money?

Every business owner wants to minimise costs because not paying enough attention to potential cost savings in your business is an easy way for the profits from your hard-earned sales to just leak away. Putting a schedule of regular testing and tagging in place is an easy way to make sure that you can save money in your business in the long term, as well as maintaining a safe workplace.

How Testing and Tagging can Save Your Business Money in Australia 2022

What is ‘testing and tagging’?

Testing and tagging is a process of PAT Testing all portable electrical appliances in a business. It involves testing the appliance to ensure it is operating correctly and then tagging it with a tag which records the name of the tester, the results of the test, the date it was tested and the date the next test is due.

It is mandatory in some industries and recommended for all businesses. All portable appliances used in your business should be tested, including those not owned by the business but used on the premises.

How Testing and Tagging can Save Your Business Money in Australia 2022

Testing and tagging isn’t an unnecessary expense

Some business owners view testing and tagging the electrical appliances in their business as an unnecessary expense, but this view couldn’t be further from reality. The regular testing and tagging of your appliances is an essential part of the armoury of your business because it helps to ensure a safe environment for everyone who works in and visits your premises.

As a business owner you have a duty of care to everyone who comes into contact with your business. If there was an accident or fire due to an electrical fault then you could be held liable because you hadn’t taken the necessary steps to ensure a safe electrical environment, and this could incur significant costs as well as damage to your business and reputation. Contact Test and tag Melbourne company

Testing and tagging minimises risk

Ensuring a safe electrical environment is one way to minimise risk in your business and that can save you money. Faulty electrical appliances are a common cause of electrical fires in businesses which could result in significant costs through damage to your premises, the contents of your business, your stock, and disruption to the future trading of your business. Testing and tagging is a small price to pay to minimise the risk of incurring these costs in your business.

Testing and tagging makes sure all appliances are operating as they should

Depending on the type of business you operate, energy and utility costs can be a major expense. Testing and tagging can help reduce your energy costs by ensuring that all appliances are operating correctly, and no appliances are operating inefficiently and draining more electricity than they need to operate in an optimal state. Getting your electrical circuits tested with electrical fault loop testing is an additional way you can make sure that everything electrical in your business is operating safely and efficiently.

Prevention is always the best approach

With everything safety-related, prevention is always the best approach. And although that may incur costs now, prevention protects your business against the potential of incurring significant costs in the future. Staying ahead of potential risks and disasters can protect you from future accidents, claims, damages and increased insurance costs.

Pick the right supplier

It’s important that you choose the right supplier to conduct the testing and tagging for your business. Don’t go with the cheapest supplier to save a few dollars – it will cost you in the long-term. Because although they conduct the testing and tagging, they’re not responsible for the safety of your business — you are, so you need to engage a supplier you can trust to do the job properly and in accordance with the Australian and New Zealand Safety Standard AS NZ 3760.2010.

 Test and Tag have over 150 franchises across Australia. Every Jim’s Test & Tag technician is a specialist who has completed training in test and tag (including a Test and Tag Certificate of Attainment) and receives regular and continuous instruction in the latest testing and compliance requirements. You can be sure your business is in safe hands when you engage Jim’s Test & Tag.

Put a regular process in place

Once you’ve engaged a supplier to conduct testing and tagging for your business, speak to them about putting a schedule in place so that testing and tagging isn’t just a one-off but an ongoing safety process in your business.

Jim’s Test & Tag document every test that is conducted and provide you with a list of all items tested along with a failed items report. They keep a record of tests conducted at your premises which can help you in the event of any insurance claims as it provides an external record of the steps you took to ensure safety in your business.

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